Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dead Baby Turtle Found With 104 Pieces of Plastic in Stomach

Making our oceans plastic-free is one of the biggest challenges humanity is facing when it comes to environmental issues. The pollution levels in oceans have reached a high level of concern and affect sea life and its creatures in unprecedented ways.
Cases in which sea creatures end of washed ashore with plastic parts inside them are becoming more and more frequently and people still keep ignoring the urgency of this issue.

Recently, a baby sea turtle washed ashore in Boca Raton, Florida and scientists found 104 plastic parts in its stomach. Among the products found there were plastic bags, balloons, and wrappers, to name only a few. A powerful picture was posted on the Gumbo Limbo Natural Center’s Facebook page with the dead baby turtle and all the plastic parts found inside its stomach.

The picture is indeed troubling, but sometimes humans need a reminder of how their behavior is affecting others and what are the consequences of our actions. Gumbo Limbo Nature Center installed a cooler outside their entrance where people can leave turtles, they found on the beach so the center can help them recover.

Emily Mirowski, a sea turtle rehabilitation assistant at the center, examined the turtle before it died.
“It was weak and emaciated. I could just tell it wasn’t doing well,” Mirowski told CNN.
After it died, Mirowski dissected the turtle and found its stomach was full of plastic, ranging from balloons to bottle labels.
“It was really heartbreaking,” she said. “But it’s something we’ve seen for several years and we’re just glad people are finally seeing this image and hopefully it’s raising awareness.”

Unfortunately, in most cases, baby turtles are the ones that end up washed ashore and many of them don’t survive.
That is why raising awareness on such issues is of great importance because once confronted with the consequences of our actions we can become better citizens of planet Earth.

Via Architecture http://www.rssmix.com/

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